
Virtual Reality online therapy

Virtual Reality (VR) has consistently proven its effectiveness as a tool for psychological intervention over the past decades. Continuous technological breakthroughs have allowed its graduation from a simple gadget to a full-blown medium, giving birth to new and unique ways of delivering therapy at a distance.

By relocating therapy into a virtual online office, this application aims to provide a robust framework for further expanding existing knowledge in cybertherapy. Initial pilot studies are currently planned to evaluate potential use-cases and to explore avatars as embodied entities of users in a multi-user clinical context.

Depression Project

In order to further enhance the effectiveness of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy interventions on Major Depressive Disorder, this study aims to conjugate face-to-face sessions with a digital tool for in-session and in-between sessions psychoeducation.

In this application, clients are invited to experience several daily-living activities while evaluating thoughts associated with cognitive distortions that emerge in those situations. Being designed as an interactive 3D web-based tool, it is expected that using this application will facilitate reaching treatment outcomes.


Ogre-Ler is a 2D game developed in Unity specifically to provide an holistic and engaging tool to help promote oral language skills in first graders. While playing as teachers of Ogres, children are able to accompany their student’s growth lesson by lesson, which also leads to a gradual increase of difficulty as they become more and more knowledgeable.

Based on Inês Sim-Sim’s (2014) assessment of oral language, this application presents a set of point-and-click and voice-input based activities meant to practice lexical, syntactic, and phonological language domains, from both a receptive and expressive level.